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Beth is a natural born Instructor. The body in motion has been her main interest in life. Armed with a background in dance, she started teaching exercise classes while still in college, and through the years has studied many forms of physical health and movement. 

Beth became a Certified Movement Therapist, an Instructor with The College Of Sports Medicine, a Certified Pilates Instructor with ITT/ A Body of Work and The Pilates Method Alliance. Her desire to move and learn propels her to continue studying movement and she enjoys sharing what she knows, and continues to learn, with you.


•  Certified Intuition Medicine® Practitioner

•  Certified Pilates Instructor, PMA, ITT

•  Fitness Trainer, ACSM

•  Certified Movement Therapist


Pilates, Core Fitness Training, Senior Fitness & Health, Injury Rehabilitation, Guided Meditation, Yoga, Aquatic Exercise, Myofascial Release & Body Rolling, Nutrition and Diet Guidance.